Exceptional Treatments
Samurai's Garden
''Deep Tissue & Aromatherapy''
- Full body massage
Asian meet Western techniques in this blend of deep tissue with Shiatsu & Swedish techniques with Aromatherapy's essential oil fragrances. Take a walk in the Samurai's Garden between cherry blossomed trees' aromas and feel the relief that a deep tissue massage can offer...
Deep tissue massage is a massage technique that’s mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This helps to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduce tension in muscle and tissue.
It may also promote faster healing by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.
Aromatherapy is the best addition to a traditional massage session for maximum relaxation and includes the use of essential oils for certain benefits. is used for a variety of different reasons such as pain and stress management, improved mood, physical and emotional release, grounding and uplifting. These “aromas” are all plant-based derivatives from herbs, tree extracts, and flowers and can be combined depending the receiver's needs.
1 hr
Member40€ / Guest50€
Pilgrim's Journey
Foot, Leg & Hip Massage
Anyone who has ever given or received a foot massage knows how relaxing it can feel at the end of a long, tiring day. Regular foot massages can help ease stress and alleviate pain in the feet and lower legs, but the benefits of regular foot massages go far beyond simple relaxation and pain relief. They may even help you live longer.
Leg, hip, and lower back massage can improve postural misalignment and reduce resulting chronic pain, according to a case study conducted and reported by the International Professional School of Bodywork (IPSB), while improving the body's Circulation and lower blood pressure, stimulates muscles, reduces tension, and often eases pain.
Whether you suffer from one of the conditions noted above or you’ve just had a rough day hiking up a mountain trail, a soothing foot/leg & hip massage may be just the key to not only feeling better today but also to leading a healthier, longer life.
40 min
Member30€ / Guest40€
Blue Lagoon
As a biggest organ of human body, skin is responsible for a 1/4th of your daily detoxification. This makes it one of the most important elimination organs and it is essential to keep it vital. The body scrub massage is specifically designed to help keeping your skin highly functional.
The body scrub massage not only exfoliates and hydrates your skin, but it also revitalizes tired or overworked muscles.
In this treatment pure non processed sea salt is used that is well known for its healing properties, cleansing and detoxifying. Furthermore, exfoliating the skin with Sea salt keeps the pores open and encourages your body’s discharge of metabolic wastes. This helps to carry out toxins and wastes away from your cells and into your elimination system.
Exfoliation not only improves skin tone, but it can relieve the symptoms of certain skin disorders, such as eczema and psoriasis reducing the itching and inflammation caused by skin diseases.
The ''homemade'' natural scrub will be prepared for you during the session blended with the oils of your liking, preparing your body for your Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage session that follows with a rich blend of coconut and exotic fruit and flower aromatherapy essential oils.
Sea Salt natural made body scrub massage & relaxing Hawaiian massage with flower essentials ritual treatment
- 60 min Full body
Shiva ~ Shakti
A total body, mind and spirit journey of merging in relaxation, emotional transcendence, grounding and letting go. Shiva Shakti, male and female qualities, the Sun and Moon elements, Pure consciousness and the activating power and energy merging in oneness.
This treatment combines Ayurvedic and Ganesha's Head with Californian "dancing hands" massage techniques, enriched with natural ayurvedic homemade scrubs and masks depending on your dosha imbalance and the beautiful healing sounds of the Tibetan Singing Bowls and Shiva Shakti mantras.
The ''homemade'' natural scrub will be prepared for you during the session blended with the oils spices and herbs of your dosha's elements and attributes. Your dosha will be indicated right before the treatment during a short consulting & yogi tea time session.
Ayurvedic scrub, mask and traditional massage with
Sound Healing ritual
Head, Face, Body, mind & Spirit - 90' Full Therapy
1 hr 30 min
Member70€ / Guest80€
The Druid Forest
Forest herbal healing scrub, mask and traditional massage with
Celtic Sound, herbal tea & meditation card reading ritual
Head, face, Body, mind & Spirit - 90' Full Therapy
Take a journey through the old ways and the most untravelled enchanted forests ... from the healers tree's door to the fairies and elves swinging from it's branches, this full body, face and head herbal healing treatment combined with the handrums and celtic singing sounds will take you on a magical hidden realm...
Herbal healing is one of the oldest forms of medicine on the planet. The connection between herbs and massage is a great way to benefit the physical and emotional body.
The ''homemade'' herbal mixtures will be prepared for you during the session blended with the oils of your body's need.
A few of the herbs used and their properties:
lavender (antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, cuts, bruises, and other skin irritants, relaxation & relief)
chamomile (insomnia, heart health, energy levels boost, muscle and joint pains caused by inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, ulcers, rheumatic pain,. This herb is great for people experiencing high stress derived from physical pain.
cinnamon (antiseptic, analgesic, and stress reducing properties)
caraway (relieve both emotional and physical complications, symptoms of a cold, alleviate stress and anxiety, improve the appearance of skin, support heart health, improve digestion, ease muscle pain and support immune system function)
Turmeric (pain caused by inflammatory diseases, like arthritis, preventing cancer, stopping DNA mutations, several skin diseases)
Flax Seed (decreasing obesity, regulating blood pressure, preventing colon cancer, inflammation, hot flashes)
Tea Tree (acne, athlete’s foot, cuts, dandruff, insect bites)
Echinacea (colds, immunity, bronchitis, upper respiratory infections)
peppermint (bloating and indigestion, alleviating headaches, healthy hair)
1 hr 30 min
Member70€ / Guest80€
The Pirate's
Kids Massage :-) - 30'
The Pirate's Ship is sailing ... so get on board!!!
Today children are faced with hectic lifestyles due to stressors of school, peer pressure, family problems, advancing technology, competitive sports, chores, and the list goes on and on. As the world keeps speeding up and moving forward, children are constantly battling to keep up and maintain the pace. They often never get a chance to slow down and let their bodies really rest or relax, and in turn this can lead to poor sleeping patterns. Studies have shown that massage can help decrease stress and stress hormone levels in children and adults the same. Studies have also shown that children’s massage can reduce anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. Decreasing stress, in turn, can aid in improving sleeping habits.
Some children are being drawn more and more into an ever-changing technology-based world. This can lead to issues like “tech-neck” from looking down at a device constantly. Creating strain on their necks and spines can result in long term pain, headaches, and poor posture or a hunched back. Massage therapy can help to relax those strained muscles. Teaching some postural education when using devices, as well as postural stretches, can also be beneficial to children for helping to prevent long term issues.
Athletic children who are involved in multiple or competitive sports often incur various injuries, muscle strains and pains. Massage therapy can help to ease muscle aches and specific pains caused by injury or over use. It can also help to increase circulation and increase flexibility and function of muscles and joints.
30 min
Member15€ / Guest25€