25 Day 200H Yoga Intensive Teacher Training Course
”Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”- The Bhagavad Gita


Being allowed to teach yoga is a fulfilling and responsible task. A yoga teacher has a solid yoga practice of their own and precise knowledge of the teaching methodology and pedagogy needed. Not only theoretical or intellectual knowledge is required to be practiced in order to pass yoga on, but rather one needs to apply and implement what has been learned in everyday life to keep on walking the yogic path. Through your personal practice, a lot of life- vital energy (prana) is generated, which gives you the necessary radiance to inspire your own students and people in your life, but also inspire yourself to keep on with your own self-discovery and spiritual life-changing journey you are about to embark in.
Converting what you have learned on your mat within your daily life, means that you have both feet on the ground and you stay committed to the responsibility of keep on walking your own yoga path while keep on teaching and inspire your students by example. Yoga develops the whole personality, and while being on this journey one can soon notice this an increasing feeling of health and joy of life, success in your duties and fulfilment in relationships and family. With a regular practice, contact with oneself and their environment grows. You can explore and learn your hidden talents and potential and can gradually expand them. Yoga leads to higher levels of awareness and development of contact with one's true Self and experience of life in it's fullness and wholeness. This training will give you the opportunity to make great personal changes, discover and explore your full potential.
Within Yoga Fusion Shala's Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training syllabus as per worldwide Yoga Alliance's standards combined with our own expertise in the field, you will experience a non-dogmatic, pragmatic, safe and all inclusive environment by experienced teachers, that will guide and help you obtaining and developing your knowledge, skills and potential as a future teacher to the optimum levels. We work with ancient-effective techniques from holistic yoga and different traditional Hatha Yoga systems, an in-depth study of yoga texts and years of experience in the yoga method, supplemented with scientific knowledge of physics, medicine and psychology of a complete classical yoga context suitable for the 21st century, bridging the East and West, science and spirituality, the practice and the teaching of this beautiful philosophy. Our aim is to direct yoga practitioners towards reaching highly professional and qualified yoga teachers' standards.
Our prior focus is to prepare our future teachers physically, mentally and spiritually to be ready and confident to practice and teach by themselves. We will lay down the layers and fundamentals of becoming a successful, rooted and well-rounded yoga teacher. Therefore, during this intensive multi-style teachers training course you will use various techniques regarding Hatha yoga, as Ashtanga & Vinyasa yoga (dynamic flow), Yin yoga, Sivananda, Iyengar inspired method and more. You will gain knowledge as a powerful tool-kit to combine in order to discover what works best for you while retaining the freedom to integrate elements from all those different yoga systems you will get in touch with. As we also emphasize on the important therapeutic aspect of yoga and Yoga Therapy, students who are suffering from any physical injury can join this training to deepen their knowledge for their own practice and benefits and also share it for the help of others.
Each student is strongly encouraged to find their own unique style, learn to be their own teacher and obtain a solid, steady self practice, explore and use their own teaching talents and voice as a yoga teacher as well.
You will have many opportunities to teach yoga to your fellow trainees, practice in a safe, all inclusive, non-judgmental environment, where mistakes is ok to happen, humor and having fun is part of the learning process, constructive feedback is received and given from teachers and students, and the ups and downs only makes us grow, keeps us going strong and learn from each other.
Obtain the skills, confidence and knowledge to teach multiple traditions, will enrich your ability to blend different styles to benefit your students and will make you a more versatile teacher.
International certification acknowledged by Yoga Alliance
In depth yoga practice and analysis in the most comprehensive, effective way and organized context.
Intensive teaching focus on educational methods.
Personal coaching and mentoring guidance and tips.
Questions & Answers, personal guidance and contact with the teacher trainers pre-enrolling and post-graduating.
Learn how to build and deliver unique classroom experiences with special tips and expert level insights.
Bridge the gap between modern science and ancient philosophy at the intersection of Easter cultures.
Learn how to build your own yoga business and start a new career.


History, Philosophy, Ethics
Yoga & Advaita Vedanta Philosophy & History
The Purpose of Yoga
The human image of the Yogi
The paths, the main directions and the teachers of yoga.
Vedas, Upanishads and The main Scriptures of Yoga..
Energy Training: The Shiva - Shakti Philosophy.
Astral Body: Prana, Nadis, Chakras & Kundalini.
The techniques of kundalini yoga: Mantra, Laya, Yantra, Nada, Hatha yoga.
The physical, astral and causal body.
7 Bhumikas: Stages of spiritual development
Cosmology and creation.
Karma & Dharma: Time, space and causality.
Ethics & Equity

Anatomy, Physiology &
Physiology and health
Human body in relation to asanas (yoga exercises).
Muscle / Skeletal system.
Understanding the body mechanics and principles of alignment in depth.
Apply the alignment principles and biomechanics therapeutically to align the biomechanics of the muscular - skeletal system.
The Respiratory System.
Nervous System
Physiological effects of yoga postures, exercise physiology..
Techniques, Training & Practice / Teaching Methodology

Vinyasa Yoga
Flowing with the breath.
Essential Sequence Principles needed to create your own Vinyasa Yoga Flow Class.
Vinyasa Lab & Teaching Skills
Vinyasa Alignment and Hands on Adjustments
Types of a Vinyasa Class: Themed and Classes with concept, Reaching a Peak-Pose Class, Overall well-rounded class, Approaching, Peak-pose per flow class.
Technique & Alignment Workshop

Ashtanga Primary Series
Led & Mysore
Pratjahara in Motion. Tristana Keypoints: Ujjajji breath, Dristhi and Bhandas in Ashtanga Practice
The primary series of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga (K. Pattabi Jois)
Lead class and self practice (Mysore style)
Ashtanga Asana Lab & Hands on Adjustments
Preparatory Postures and Modification postures of the difficult asanas for health in alignment.
Respecting the tradition: Opening & Closing mantras
Technique & Alignment Workshop: These classes will bring safety, awareness, and mindfulness to your practice and teaching.
Sanskrit Counting

Pranayama & Raja Yoga
(Breathing, Mental Training & Meditation)
Pranayama (breathing exercises) training
Breathing techniques for everyday life
Advanced Pranayamas from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Samanu, kumbhakas, bandhas, mudras.
Attention applied in everyday life.
Dharana (Concentration) and Visualisation Techniques.
Mental training and meditation: the unconscious, conscious, superconscious. Thought power and positive thinking. Mind Control: Thoughts like the
creator of destiny. Personality. Stages & Obstacles of meditation. -
Meditation in natural science research.
Classic deep relaxation, relaxation techniques for everyday life, autogenic training based on Schultz, relaxation training based on Jacobson.
Modern stress science and stress management.

Bhakti & Karma
Emotional Training: Feelings & Emotions. The miracle of unconditional love.
Experiencing the Divine: The divine aspect in daily life.
Hindu mythology and symbolism.
Kirtan: Daily Mantra Chanting
Rituals: Arati, Puja, Homa
Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Action
Karma, the law of cause and effect.
Dharma: right action. Ethics in daily life. Ahimsa: non-violence and living non-violence
Swadharma and swarupa: The art of making the right decisions.
Selfess service and spirituality.
Ecological awareness and social involvement.

Traditional Hatha Yoga:
Introduction to Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Hatha Yoga Lab & Teaching Skills
Karanas (Preparation Excersises)
Sensitivity training and development of
body awareness, warming up exercises, eye exercises, sun salutations. -
Asanas (Yoga Postures): Getting to know and experiencing different methods with different objectives. Learn to perform the asanas.
The Sivananda Rishikesh series
Kriyas (yoga cleansing exercises): Shatkriyas according to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Hatha Yoga From the Perspective of Ayurveda.
Hatha yoga as a spiritual discipline.

Yin & Restorative
The benefits of Yin Yoga: Physical, mental and emotional.
Yin & Restorative Asana Lab & Hands On adjustments: Learning how to transfer your knowledge of the alignment principles through adjusting, providing aid and deep release from discomfort. Props Usage in Yin.
Sequence for beginners, the spine, hips & Shoulders.
Yoga as disease prevention, as a tool for overall wellness and stress management, as a method for therapy and healing, as a way to recover from injuries.
Restorative sequence for the back and shoulders.
Moon sequence.

Iyengar Yoga Elements
The importance of health in Alignment
Types of tools and props you can use from the Iyengar practice system.
Important points to prioritize when correcting and adjusting students.
Wall sequences.
Learn how to align your students independently from the limitations that an asana might bring.
Understanding of body mechanics and kinetics on the mat.
How to approach asana sequencing from the Iyengar point of view.

Sattwic Yogic Lifestyle
Yogic Ethics in Practice
Three gunas: spiritual and energetic effects. Lifestyle for advanced hatha yoga practice. Introduction to Ayurveda.
Healing based on a type-related lifestyle. Healthy Lifestyle & Holistic Life.
*During our training we will learn all about the benefits of implementing a sattvic yogic diet into our daily lives and the deep connection of Yoga and Ayurveda philosophies, while following a vegetarian balanced food that will optimize our spiritual and physical yogic practices.
To prepare yourselves for the training we advise you to abstain from using drugs, alcohol, tobacco, onion, garlic, meat and fish.

Handstand & Acro Yoga Workshop

Traditional Gong Fu
Tea Ceremony Workshop

Thai Massage Workshop

Massage Sessions

Live & Online Classes

Live & Online Future Teacher Training Courses, Workshops & Retreats

All our study material, manual, ebooks and pdf's alongside the daily schedule, is organized in a very detailed way that will take us through the whole training step by step daily. During the first day of our welcoming circle, you will be given access to all the study material via your email, where you will be able to have an overview of the whole training structure and prepare yourself daily, study and organize. Through our study groups within the database, you will be also able to stay up to date with daily notes, exchange knowledge and information with the rest of the trainees and the teachers and you will be able to download and print all manuals etc. as well. Moreover you will have an ongoing access for life after the training ends, so now worries about missing any training material! Therefore besides your traditional notebook and pen, bring with you a laptop or tablet (you can also use your smartphone too) to be able to have easy access and easy reading within the daily study modules. This way you can organize, prepare and revise your study properly within the training easily.

Regarding practice equipment, you will be provided with all the Yin Yoga teaching and practicing props needed for this tradition via the shala (blocks, straps, bolsters etc), but feel free to bring and use your own equipment if you wish, and your travelling way allows you to carry with you. We can also provide you with a brand new Manduka mat upon request and extra cost if you wish.

This teacher training course welcomes all levels. Many students take this course just to deepen their own practice and knowledge as well! Basic knowledge of asana and yoga philosophy, and a regular practice is advised to have an idea what to expect in this training.
You want to become more than just an ''asana teacher'' but immerse deeper to bloom into a ''yoga teacher'', embracing the yoga in it's whole essence and deepest layers, inspire your students on their own journey, while keeping a grounded radiating integrity of the yoga path.
You want to enroll but you are not interested in teaching right now (and that's absolutely ok), but rather immerse yourself to explore your abilities and delve deeper physically and mentally. This training is an opportunity to set more than a foundation of having an independent correct and safe self-practice and unlock your potential to inner transformation.
If you are a beginner yourself on your yoga journey, embarking with us on this experience will help you to understand the teaching and learning process even better.
If You have already completed a 200H teacher training course and you still don't teach. You still maybe feeling lacking confidence or that you were not given all the right tools and a good start to ''fly out the nest''. You might have been feeling disappointed and you are seeking for a new vision and wave of inspiration, as now is the time to take your skills and ''surf'' to a whole new level and direction as a yoga teacher. This training will help you to enhance your teaching skills, elevate and enrich your future classes, be more versatile and deepen your knowledge.
The training will be given entirely in English. All training material is in English as well. It is therefore necessary that you are familiar with the English language. If you want to attend this training in Greek please contact us to be informed regarding the dates that the training is scheduled to be given entirely in Greek.

(Guest Assisting teachers are not participating in all ttc circles)

Thina Chat E-RYT 500, YACEP®
Senior Teacher Trainer / Founder of Yoga Fusion Shala
Thina was into her music and performing career when she decided to move from Athens to the Netherlands in 2011. In 2012 she started studying in Yoga Vidya in the Netherlands and completed her first 2-year teacher training course in Sivananda. Followed a TTC in Ashtanga by Manju Pattabhi Jois and practices with authorized teachers Bela Lipat and Vairagya Ranko. Since 2018 she is the owner of ''Yoga Fusion Shala'' center and retreat in Ioannina, Greece, while sharing her knowledge, love for this philosophy, and her multi-year experience as a E-500RYT and YACEP educator with Yoga Alliance, through her teachers' training courses and workshops internationally...

Stella Kyrou RYT® 200
Complementary Experienced Yoga Teacher

Aris Papas RYT® 500
Complementary Experienced Yoga Teacher


International certification acknowledged by Yoga Alliance.
The last two days the training concludes with evaluation, consisting of teaching 2 Yoga classes and an exam that will take place within Yoga Fusion Shala's database.
The training will end with a kirtan and a meditative tea-ceremony graduation certification circle.
This 200H Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training Course is an in-depth 200hours spread out within 25 days as a complete training, that gives you everything to start walking your own path and stand out as a future yoga teacher, while building and maintaining a solid autonomous practice.